We have all experienced a flying rock hitting our windshield creating a small crack or chip. These imperfections cause serious barriers to the driver’s field of vision and are a risk to drivers and passengers. Sometimes these smaller issues can be solved by auto glass repair. Tiny & Sons uses an advanced process that injects a polymer blend into the damaged area patching the glass and eliminating the problem. Tiny & Sons will evaluate whether this process is right for your current needs.
Windshield not broken? No job is too small! We can also replace any other glass in your car that may be broken or need replacement (this includes your side view mirrors). We also provide windshield repairs for small cracks and dings in your windshield.
Looking to finish off that dream car you have been working for years? Our skilled technicians will be able to help you with any glass replacement for your antique car. Tiny & Sons Glass can also help you with replacing mirrors and table top glass in your house.